Short term, Long term & Life Goals
Career Goals
Have you felt like you are in any of these situations when it comes to making career decisions or setting your career goals?
Are part way through your career and you have higher aspirations yet want to know what is needed to push your career there?
Or maybe you are thinking more large scale and want to take the time to understand what drives and motivates you to better inform your life's direction and understand your true purpose.
Or lastly, you are keen to enjoy an objective sounding board for all your career decisions you are currently facing, where you need to be able to work it through with a trained career mentor.

Relevant Packages

A high-support mentorship designed to help you transform your career into one with direction, purpose, passion, and unlimited freedom using techniques from both CLARA & CALMA offerings. We’ll do greater purpose work, career direction/transition coaching, successful job hunting coaching, and knock down any personal barriers preventing you from achieving exactly what you want in your life. Twelve career sessions across 6 months.

Working towards all types of goals is what has driven so much of my own career growth and lights me up when I can do the same for others.
From small goals, like each summer in school like getting from 2x water-skis to 1x waterski & walking 1000kms across the top of Spain to see if I could?
To larger goals like working on finding out what I was truly meant to be doing for my career. I worked my way from studying Sciences/Languages at University and starting out working in Translation and Interpreting, to following my innate inclination to help others and pursued this across my Dance Coaching, Mindset/NLP Coaching and obviously, Career Coaching. Knowing that this journey of growth was long and challenging, it was also so incredibly fulfilling to find myself aligned with where I should be, with what felt right…… and it made me smile at comments of ‘how lucky I was to be working with what I love’. Luck had nothing to do with it and my experience inspires me to help others do the same!

After working together assisting you with your aspirational career goals and looking at where you want to be in the future, you’ll:
Feel strengthened and empowered to know how to reach for what you didn't think you could
Feel motivated, confident, and secure in knowing the next steps you need to take to take a leap up the career ladder
Feel passionate about the part of your life where you spend most of your time. It can and should feel purposeful.

“Shannon is a passionate individual and full of positivity. I was overwhelmed and uncertain about where I was going when I finished University but as a result of working with Shannon I have taken a more positive perspective to life and career in general. Shannon's emotional support, insights and career advice from our career sessions was invaluable and working with her was a transforming experience. We negotiated my career strategies and I walked out confident about where I was headed.”