Authentically me
An instinctive and gentle nurturer by nature, even from an early age. A built in curiosity for how people work, what they experience and how I can best help.
From the school playground to deep in the Career Industry, the Dance world and the world of impacting change with Mindset Coaching. This was and is authentically me.
I knew early on I wanted to be a life coach of sorts, an inspirer, an empowerer. This is the vein that runs through all my career and life choices..... but realised I needed to experience life and its adventures first to understand and make more of a difference.

The full story
Shannon Ring
Career Consultant, Mindset & Challenge Coach, Self-confessed risk-taker, Explorer, Language lover, Dancer
“Relax. We’ve got this. Together we can work to make effective change in your life.”

An adventurous life
At 17, I sought the challenge of leaving Auckland for a one year exchange in Chile, where all I knew in Spanish was 'hasta a la vista, bebe'. It was a complete immersion, a tough adventure, and it sparked in me a new fascination of self discovery.
I threw myself into University life in Auckland, completing a BA, BSc in Geography, Environmental Science and Spanish - later completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Translating & Interpreting. From there I travelled extensively searching for what I wanted to be when I grew up!
I had a diverse Career journey that covered every aspect of the Career Industry from:
Recruitment - industry and Agency
Human Resources - General and Learning/Development
Master NLP Practitioner
Career Consultant/Coaching
I came full circle back to University of Auckland as a Career Consultant working with our inspiring youth!
In my parallel life, my side hustle was building a dance career through which I built a successful dance school, travelled over 15+ countries teaching and performing - lighting up the lives of so many around the world with the joy of dance and connection - even teaching in English, Spanish and Portuguese!

Curiosity & learning
Across the 15 years of working in all areas of the Careers Industry, I have seen a common thread; most clients get stuck making a decision or taking action due to more that lies beneath the surface. Practical career advice was not enough.
Naturally curious about pushing my learning to reach my clients more I tied together my life passions of language, psychology, lifting up others and the mind-body connection.
This included completing training in:
Bodytalk Modules (energy healing)
Self-hypnosis, Hypnosis
Timeline therapy
NLP techniques (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
"It is through these modalities that I honed my skill in asking the right questions and seeing to the heart of the problem"

Challenge a better you
Its only in looking back that I saw how often I have challenged myself, knowingly. Always setting goals and pushing myself to be a better version of me.
Challenges like proudly building up one of New Zealand’s leading dance schools, ZoukArt, here in Auckland. Throughout I needed to take time out to conquer crippling nerves, self-doubt, change in direction and sometimes even painful injuries to achieve my dream of representing New Zealand on international stages as a professional dancer.
"Your challenge may look different. It doesn’t need to be walking up to the top of a mountain. It could be taking time out of your life to work on you."
Inspiring immediate change: I choose to inspire and empower my clients through my own path and drive them to be the best version in their own lives.
My experiences, my 'authentic non-judgmental warm' heart, along with my qualifications and a life time of overcoming obstacles..... has prepared me to sit with you on your journey.
I look forward to give you the tools you need to make the effective changes in your life that you seek.